Grace, per Webster's, is "beauty or charm of form", but, also, is denoted as "a sense of what is right and wrong". Actually the word is one of the longest definitions in the tome. Can one name another entry which so thoroughly combines aesthetic and moral import? From the beatified to the merely beautiful, it is a word of modifying significance.
Why not another fine fellow (or woman)? No good answer, I must confess, but let me duck by giving some alternatives of genius:
Irwin Miller
Sam Simon
(Young) T. Roosevelt
Bob Moses
Robert Caro

Doesn't any man, such as I, have to have one (or more)? What do they represent? Courage without bravado, intelligence without pomposity, style without fashion & beauty with grace?
Are you lost on this prospect already? No doubt. Not much sizzle. Weighty tomes, after all, litter libraries collecting dust for a reason.
How about - besides the lofty precepts - idle clatter re golf, environmentally sustainable products & more than liberal doses of sarcastic prose? Sound a bit more palatable? Promise that next entry will be so directed, but the initial effort was compelled to be explanatory as to title.
Lets start a tradition of ending with something aspiring to beauty from my own hands.

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